What phono preamp are you using?

Anyone using a Soundsmith cartridge? And if so what phono preamp are you using? (Individuals with other cartridges feel free to chime in!)
PS Audio Stellar with a wide variety of cartridges. Currently Gold Note Donatello Black.
The most beautiful phono stage I ever heard is the Zesto Andros.
The are now about $5K but worth it. The glory of finely implemented tubes!
Nagra BPS (battery powered) and a Dynavector XX2mkII on my Sota Nova VI w/Audiomods arm. 
I haven’t read all of the posts yet but I will. I’m using a SoundSmith ”The Voice”. Both my phono pre my preamp are from Aric Audio. His really nice tube equipment w/ Zu Soul Supreme  speakers. 
It sounds incredible! 
Best wishes to our friend Peter at SoundSmith.