Itching for an SACD player

I presently own an Audio Aero Prima. I was good to go (and still may) this Spring with an APL Denon 3910, but the purchase of new speakers, cabling etc. may mean a hold on the APL. What is out there in the way of SACD/CD player that will sound significantly better than my Prima, and do SACDs? Mods and used are cool, as well. I just don't think I will be able to go for $6.5k for the APL, and with the way digital is going, the APL may be dated by the time I receive it. Not really, of course, but you get my drift? thanks in advance. peace, warren
Marantz SA8260.
But you need to compare it to others - in person. I took my dealer' demo unit home - listened to it 1 whole day against the DV7600 - which I badly wanted to buy because wife wanted universal player. The next day I took the SA8260 to couple of other dealers and compared the CD layer to some CD only players till $2500. My decision was made. The SACD is fantastic. Jus replace the stock power cord, which you may anyways do with the CD player you buy.
Warrenh the redbook is also very very good.I dont know
How Dan does it.But it amaze me How Dan can make the
redbook and SACD sound unbelievable.I am itching to hear
a Meitner CDP, to see how this Sony9000es can compete.
Warrenh, I just received a Denon 2900 from David Schulte of the Upgrade Company and it is incredible. I would have loved the chance to put it to the test on the SACD shoot out. It has been compared to a fully modded APL 3910 but I dont think it was there newest version. For the money, hands down on this Denon. The stock Reimyo cdp 777 did not sound better than the Denon 2900 in an A/B test and the Reimyo is considered one of the best rbcdp's on the planet.
Schulte has upgraded a few Reimyo's and Esoteric's so he knows what is going on in the Hi end market. Just so you know I did not hear the A/B test but I have a feeling I would not need to. I think you are going to hear a lot more from the Upgrade Company in the near future. If you look up mrhiendaudio on A-gon you will see the equipment he works on. Pretty impressive. He does not charge a fortune to have the upgrades done either. Don't settle for anything stock. I have a Marantz SA12-s1 that is upgraded and it stomped the Krell dvd standard on rbcd. I wont even go into the little JVC player that is also upgraded. That was just for fun using speed of light technology along with very expensive caps. Bottom line is I cant say that the Denon 2900 would be better than the fully modded APL but I can say it would cost less. Your investment for a used Denon 2900 plus upgrade would be in the $1500 range.
It would be fun to have a shoot out with just modified units. I think it would have to be based on price and sound.
Jp, I have done my homework and decided on the Exemplar Denon 3910. I was waiting on the feedback from three golden earred audiophools who did a shootout with the Exemplar and the APL. I realize we're splitting hairs, but I am very happy with my Exemplar choice. I have it less than a week and I continue to be amazed at what I didn't hear with my Audio Aero Prima. Detail to die for, and very listenable. I'm in sonic heaven. So, as you can see, I'm a "mod" kinda guy, now. peace, warren :)

BTW, IMHO, the Exemplar slays the Capitole MK II
Very helpful as I am on a similar quest, searching the various "modders" website.One drawback it seems worth considering, is just what is being improved, for example VSE may be excellent, but the upgrade is mainly to SACD, I believe. Most of us are in the position of wanting excellent Red book and SACD. For "non modded" the Ayre seems the best real world price unit(relatively real world). I had my eye on the Exemplar Denon too, I am glad to hear your favourable feedback Warrenh.