Best cd player for under $800.00

I am currently in search of a cd player/transport to replace sony es single disc. I would prefer to purchase new, with warranty. I am currently own:

Sunfire theater grand pre-amp
rotel poweramp

Rotel,NAD,Music Hall, ????????, which is best? other suggestions? Please help me!
I bought a Sony 900 for about $300 and sent it to TRL for mods, another $550. Blows away anything I have ever heard, at any price!

Do a search for TRL (Tube Research Labs) there's a lot of info on them.
Second on the music Hall all the rest especially rotel sound like mud compared to the Music Hall. I don't know about the modders but forget any warranty. The Music Hall is super clean but not thin has a lot of presence and is simply a giant killer. Look up Trelja's thread on it. He is one of the most knowledgable Audiogoners there is.