Best cd player for under $800.00

I am currently in search of a cd player/transport to replace sony es single disc. I would prefer to purchase new, with warranty. I am currently own:

Sunfire theater grand pre-amp
rotel poweramp

Rotel,NAD,Music Hall, ????????, which is best? other suggestions? Please help me!
For $200 more, get the newest technology in cd's in the Rega Apollo. Have fun trying to find one. Totally short supply. Selling out instantly. You'll know why when you hear it.
If you can find it around your price ( I paid $ 850 for mine) a used Meridian 508.20 will blow anything else away. Check reviews and comments across the web, it's a golden find if you come across it.
After the break-in period, I'm crazy about my modded Music Hall. It also reads HDCD.