Beginner Looking For Set Up Advice!

Hi all, 

I'm excited to have gotten my first pair of new speakers, the B&W 606 S2! My Dad and my Brother both have 603s and I love the sound, so I thought these would fit well in my apartment. I'm having trouble finding a stereo receiver or integrated amp to pair with the speakers. Although I understand some audiophile lingo, it can all be somewhat confusing and overwhelming so I thought I'd ask for some advice.

What would be a decent, under $1k piece to power the speakers? How much power do these need? I would want it to be able to stream music, whether through airplay or some other system (Spotify connect, etc), and also work with my TV setup including a 4k blu ray player and an Apple TV. I would consider adding a CD player or turntable later on. 

Currently I've looked at the Denon PMA 150h, Marantz PM7007, Marantz NR1200, Yamaha R-N303, and a few others. 

Question? By your initial post I`m assuming, please correct me if I`m wrong, that you have no media collection LP's or Cd's so to speak? If this is the case, I`d suggest that you look to network your listening experience this can be done by purchasing the Bluesound Node2i I linked and getting yourself a subscription to Qobuz or Tidal hi-fi streaming service. You then have 1000s of hi fi quality music choices at your fingertips for your price of admission.
The R-N303 you mentioned is also a great alternative to the S501. 
I have had Yamaha products all my life, love the sound and quality. I also have B&Ws the Nautilus 803s great speakers! Yam+B&W= I`m pretty happy. Happy listening and Congrats on your introduction into the Audiophool World! 
Thanks for the insight and the good vibes! I have some questions: 

1. With having the separates, the streamer will take care of the music of course, however how would the Yamaha handle TVs/movies?
2. It looks like some of the Yamaha's are in short supply so out of the R-N303, S301 & S501 is there a recommendation?
3. At that $1k price point, you would recommend this over the Marantz PM7007? (I do like the idea of being able to swap out the components later on)
4. Finally, I did get confirmation that the Peachtree Decco 125SKY can be had for $600

SO MANY OPTIONS! But this idea of separates does intrigue me, and it does bring some nostalgia as the AVR we had when I was growing up was a Yamaha! Thanks!

Don't think anyone actually answered your question, but yes you can feed all your HDMI inputs into the tv and the optical out will be a single source for the Peachtree. This is how I run mine. That Peachtree looks pretty cool, the pre-outs will feed a subwoofer which you'll probably want eventually with those speakers. Good luck and enjoy your setup.
If you’re adamant about the $1k budget, then yeah I’d look at the Outlaw linked above. If you can stretch it some, check out the Peachtree Nova 300. Phono stage, onboard DAC, plenty of power. I almost bought one myself, but went with separates instead. If you only blow your budget by $500, you’ll be doing much better than I did. There’s one for sale on Audiogon for $1500 right now.
If the Peachtree Nova 300 has any appeal, then have a look at the Nova 150. You may not need the extra watts of the 300 and AFAIK the features are otherwise about the same. The DAC chips may be different.

Keep in mind, though, that the Nova series amps have no onboard streaming capabilities. Peachtree has been pushing the Bluesound Node 2i for that.  On the other hand, one nice feature of the Novas is their support for feeding an iOS device into the USB-A port.  An iPhone/iPad/iTouch then could be used as a Roon endpoint as well as a direct source.