Have I got the wrong amp? or the wrong speakers?

Hi all, I'm new to the forum and a relative beginner at hifi, so please excuse the (potentially) dumb question.
In homage to my late father, and the basic, budget setup he had when I was a kid, I've recently acquired a vintage AKAI AA-1150 receiver (circa 1979 I think) and paired it with brand new Wharfedale EVO 4.2 large bookcase speakers.

Two problems - 
First, I think the speakers are waaay too sensitive for the amp - turn the volume up to 3 and the room is shaking. Taking the dial to 11 would definitely kill the Wharfedales.  My old speakers (Paradigm Atom) suffer too, but a little less.  Its definitely the amplifier!
Second, the sound is impossibly forward and bright.  Incredibly clear, with amazing detail (from both vinyl & DAC) but really hard on the ears.

Do I need to ditch the nostalgia and get a warmer, 21st Century integrated amplifier?  Or is there some setting I've missed somewhere?

All suggestions welcomed!
The listed efficiency of the speaker is 88db which is pretty much mid-level, not overly efficient.

I read a couple of reviews for the speakers and they do not describe the speakers as being overly bright/forward. I suspect your vintage receiver is either not functioning correctly, or it is a bad match for the speakers.

Please insure you have the speaker cables installed correctly. Check the tone control knob and insure they are working correctly. Just work the knobs back and forth and insure your bass is not being attenuated and that your treble is not being boosted. Old potentiometers are notorious for having bad/dirty connections that could be affecting the output.

Do you still have your old speakers? Do they sound correct?

I'm guessing you need a different, properly operating integrated amp/receiver.
It’s the receiver, it's sending near full volume at low setting.

50 wpc and speaker’s efficiency 88 should not be too loud at low volume level.

speakers 88 efficiency cannot make 'louder' volume by themselves. 
"...AKAI amps (especially older ones) tend to have this kind of signature..."

Dump the 70s receiver. 
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