Can anyone tell me about VERITY AUDIO PARSIFAL

I have an opportunity to buy VERITY AUDIO PARSIFAL but not sure what the folks on the ground think about them or what to look out for since their pretty old. The reviews seems to be good, but compared to speakers now days, not sure if $6K is money well spent. Can someone help me with pros and cons compared to buying maybe another another brand for $6K?
I listened to the Parsifals a fair number of times back in the day.
My impression was pretty consistent:  Nice, refined sound, pretty boxless, smooth, soundstaged imaged quite well, and pretty evenly balanced from top to bottom.   So, high quality.
My minor gripes are perhaps idiosyncratic, but I found them tonally a tad bland and "gray" so they never totally engaged me.  But others swooned over them.
I've owned the Parsifal Encore (latest version) prior to the Ovation. You can look at them as mini monitors with dual subs if you wish. High quality very refined sound (to refined for some). It's been years but if you PM me I'd be happy to chat about them. I also know a guy in New England that has a beautiful pair in Maple that is considering parting with them.
Verity makes excellent speakers that have great detail with little to no fatigue to my ears. Perhaps this relates to something that is missing for Prof but I don't find them "gray". Hey @prof I'd say if they were dressed they'd wear a tuxedo. Does that make sense to you?
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