I must be old

Listening tonight to Heavy Weather on first vinyl then CD through a Sonica DAC it occurs to me that there are no pops, the stage separation is larger, the dynamics are larger and the instruments are better defined. My record album is not brand new. It has surface noise. My CD does not. I want to love my vinyl but unless I buy perfect new LPs I cannot tolerate the surface noise or lack of frequency limitations for the sake of euphonic sound. Am I crazy?  Misinformed?  Stupid?  I have been an audiophile for 50 years. 
Some of us run great LP , server/DAC, and high speed tape and can appreciate the various merits and losses of each format- music is what matters...

I don’t know what your vinyl rig consists of but the better the gear the less noise you will get. Sweetvinyl  has equipment that addresses the click and pop  issue if you want to eliminate it.
I am now 95% vinyl and rarely have problems with surface noise. Of course I am fairly fastidious in cleaning. Digital only gets played now for background music. 
“I want to love my vinyl”

So what will you trust-analog propagandists, or you lying ears?

The problem is your preconceptions.  It’s hard to purge these from our critical faculties.  I also fell for the critics that prefers vinyl, but after a few years I realized that in every single case, if I had recordings in both media, digital won out.  There are obviously others who violently disagree with that perception, but we are all entitled to our opinions.  What is important is that we make our own opinions and not fall into a herd belief because it may be the fashion of the moment