Headband type magnifier w/ lights for TT setup

Here's a link to the first one I came across. I figured when staring down at those hard to see alignment tools to see if the needle is exactly where it should be. Does anyone use one? Overkill? Thanks in advance.

I've not used one for turntable setup but I don't see any reason it wouldn't work. I've used mine, without the lights, while building a Pass Amp Camp Amp kit, to help check resistor values and check soldered connections. Also for many small repair jobs at my workbench. Being able to wear it over my prescription glasses and having both hands free to do the work makes it invaluable.
I have one very similar to the one that you have a link to but found it to be a bit intrusive for cartridge set up, found that a good light/lamp a hand held magnifier and a jewelers loupe get me where I need to be. Enjoy the music
I use headband (loupe) magnifiers with lights for some tasks, like very fine soldering and desoldering. But I don't find them useful for cartridge work for a couple of reasons:
1- most headband loupes are 10x or higher. That's too high to be useful for turntable work and the depth of field (zone of sharpness) is way too shallow. These types of magnifiers are great for working on flat-ish items but not so much for fore and aft 3D items.
2- too much light, and almost always in the wrong place. When mounting or aligning a cartridge you usually need the light source down low, not at eye level which will produce heavy shadows under the tonearm/headshell/cartridge.

Just my 2 cents worth. Others may disagree with me.