Headband type magnifier w/ lights for TT setup

Here's a link to the first one I came across. I figured when staring down at those hard to see alignment tools to see if the needle is exactly where it should be. Does anyone use one? Overkill? Thanks in advance.

I have one very similar to the one that you have a link to but found it to be a bit intrusive for cartridge set up, found that a good light/lamp a hand held magnifier and a jewelers loupe get me where I need to be. Enjoy the music
I use headband (loupe) magnifiers with lights for some tasks, like very fine soldering and desoldering. But I don't find them useful for cartridge work for a couple of reasons:
1- most headband loupes are 10x or higher. That's too high to be useful for turntable work and the depth of field (zone of sharpness) is way too shallow. These types of magnifiers are great for working on flat-ish items but not so much for fore and aft 3D items.
2- too much light, and almost always in the wrong place. When mounting or aligning a cartridge you usually need the light source down low, not at eye level which will produce heavy shadows under the tonearm/headshell/cartridge.

Just my 2 cents worth. Others may disagree with me.
Yikes! I am all in favor of doing your own setup but if your eyes are that bad maybe Dirty Harry is right, a man's got to know his limitations! 

I like to use an ordinary headlamp. But really, no turntable setup should be done in your listening room. Clean off the dining or kitchen table and do it there where there is plenty of light from all directions and you can sit down nice and comfortable. Do it this way once you will never screw around trying to do it on the rack again. 

Do it right like this and even the headlamp is overkill. Magnification? Get real! Audiophiles stress and obsess over every micron in setup. Some spend more than the cartridge on setup jigs and test records. All this to play a record the cartridge tracking will be way off the instant it moves from the two tiny little points we worry so much about it being perfect at. 

Then the one thing that has by far the greatest influence on sound, VTA, many arms don't even allow adjustment, and the same audiophiles that obsess over alignment pooh-pooh anyone who bothers to get their VTA perfectly dialed in. 

PSA- you don't need a headlamp to adjust VTA. Just listen. You will see.

Thanks all...I can see this thing as being intrusive. Maybe I will simply purchase  a better hand held magnifier (mine stinks), and a jewelers loupe.
Miller carbon: I do find it a bit hard to see where the needle hits the spot on the Kuzma alignment tool. And as far as moving the Ref 2, it's too HEAVY.  I moved it once to move my setup. It's a two person job even with the platter removed. But duly noted as I should increase all possible light available in the room. Also I swear by the COAST brand headlamps, which I bought at Home Depot. I bought the higher lumen LED, which I believe was $25. If only I got my $ worth on all purchases as I have on this piece. I have 2 of them. Can anyone send links on what they think appropriate hand held Magnifier (5x, 10X....?), and also a jewelers loupe. Great great stuff. Cheers -Don
Ordered an LED light magnifier with interchangeable (2.5 X, 5X, 16X) type lenses. I think that will do me well. Thanks -Don