Why not more popular?

A couple of years ago, I got my first set of open baffle speakers. I've owned a few pairs of Magneplanars and many box speakers over the years, but my current speakers are the first true open-baffle speakers I've owned. 

I am absolutely smitten with the sound. Musical, dynamic, powerful, and an amazing deep, open, airy sound stage, with none of the weird boxy resonances or port huffing that I've heard from so many box speakers. 

What I don't understand is why there are so few speaker companies making open baffle speakers, and why are they not more popular among audiophiles?
Tech moves fast. Many audiophiles tend to have brand biases. Personal experience varies a lot. Most companies can stick to more conventional designs and still make a healthy profit. Most people don't listen to speakers anyway...they listen to music.

That Sony boom-box from years ago is playing as background music. Most folks don't sit down in 1 spot to listen to speakers. The other factor is competition among more well-known brands. Either people like it or they hate it.

mastering92, Ouch! Now there's an inevitable reality.

So, If you're here I'm guessing your not just listening to a pair of Yamaha HS's? 

I recently bought some well-regarded OB speakers with a return period. After a couple weeks, back they went. Just did not like the sound--not enough flesh and weight. OB fanboys may say it’s because my taste has been corrupted by old tech and nostalgia. Really, they just did not make me want to keep listening. To each their own.