My System's Weakest Link - What Say You...

First off, McIntosh bashers need not respond.  The synergy of this system is outstanding.  

I think I have my system pretty well fleshed out now, and love what it is doing for me.  But, I have my eye on my weak link.  I have a few thoughts, but I'm Interested in objective, and somewhat random comments from some insightful folks here.

My Habits:  Love listening to vinyl most of all. Don't know exactly but have over 3000 LP, I think, and keep getting more.  Obviously do lots of streaming too via Tidal > Roon. Also on thousands of CDs of varying quality.

My Room: Open main floor Floor plan to the kitchen and formal dining room.  Open space has 9 foot ceilings, with fabric chairs and carpeting.  No need for any room enhancement identified.  Still sounds great.  Lucked out on that one.

Anyway, where is what I have:
  • (1) McIntosh MT5 Turntable
  • (2) Sumiko Palos Santos Cartridge
  • (3) McIntosh MP1100 Phono PreAmp
  • (4) McIntosh C1100 2-piece PreAmp
  • (5) McIntosh D1100 DAC
  • (6) McIntosh MCT 500 CD/SACD Transport
  • (7) McIntosh MVP 901 A/V Player
  • (8) McIntosh MC2152 70th Anniversary Amp
  • (9) McIntosh MPC1500 Power Controller
  • (10) Sonus Faber Lillium Speakers
  • (11) Roon Nucleus
  • (12) Sonore Signature Rendu SE w/ Optical Feed
  • (13) All Connected via Clarus Crimson interconnects, power cables and Balanced Cables
  • (14) Will avoid the details on isolation, AC outlets, etc. for now.
Choose a number, product or idea.  Have fun with this one.

"Long haired, freaky people, need not apply" or dismiss my enjoyment of McIntosh.  [btw - anyone remember that song quote?]

#1 I have a Mcintosh MT5 and it sounds good but I just bought a VPI Classic 4 with a 12” fatboy gimbaled arm periphery ring and ADS speed controller The upgrade is amazing! 
If i have to finger what's most audiophile weakest link it definitely goes for room acoustics.

You can fix this with passive measures or with electronic measures like ARC or the much better Trinov. after fixing the acoustics problem that your not even aware of you won't believe it's the same sysytem.
@ pgaulke60, I somehow deleted a long post so I'll try and keep this short.

You state: ' No need for any room enhancement identified'  How do you know?

You have great components but to hear them really perform they need a treated room. Without the treatment it is very difficult if not impossible sometimes to hear the change a new component or cable makes.

Ignore the posters who claim that all you need is a carpet and some drapes. There is a not difficult to understand scientifically based target to strive for and when achieved, will blow you away!