Ready, set, comment! Speaker cables don’t make a difference?

Audioholics will be doing another video on this at 4pm (I assume Eastern), today. Rather than comment on it after the fact, some here might want to jump into the live comments thread? Anyway, in case that’s you, here’s the link:

Old chestnuts never die, they just return in the Eternal Cycle of Re-roasting....
Are you saying something here only about your own feelings? Or are you saying that gear doesn’t matter? In other words, are you claiming that if someone gave you much better gear than what you have -- and you did all your embedding and listening, etc. with it -- it would not sound better? If that is true, than I find your ears less trustworthy than if you simply admit that everything, properly integrated, makes a difference. So, what is your opinion, please? Could better gear -- for you -- make a difference?
Thanks for the question...

It will make me able to clarify....

There are 2 parts to my answer...

-Subjectively, i dont want to upgrade at all. because of the real cost it will be.... Even just the speakers upgrade....

-Objectively for sure at least half of the systems in the "virtual system page section" are better than one, two, and three pieces of my gear..,.

I never boasted about my gear in itself, save to say that i love it, it is very good basic wise choices or lucky one....

I am proud of my homemade solutions for my OWN system, this are those solutions that cost me much time to create that are my precious endeavour, not the GEAR....Even if i was very lucky to own this specific gear....

For sure then ANY system will gain much with good vibration controls, with a minimal decrease of the electrical noise floor, and of passive materials treatment, or of my ACTIVATED room controls...

I discovered that and i am it seems the ONLY ONE here, saying that what is essential is not SO MUCH the gear, but the way we embed it...

Then subjectively, listening ANYTHING at any price, even better system than mine , dont give me the urge to upgrade at all...

Not only because i cannot upgrade moneywise, but especially because my system IS NO MORE WAY TOO FAR BEHIND anything i know of.....Thanks to my three working embeddings dimensions controls...Not bad for a 500 bucks system...Then even if almost anything costlier beat my system or could beat my system easily, the DISTANCE between these systems and mine is no more huge at all now like it was 2 years ago.... My ratio cost/S.Q.  is then optimal...

Especially with  my last control device which is the more powerful of my tool : Helmholtz mechanical equalizer, which idea is mine, and constitued by 30 tubes and pipes from 8 feet high to a straw lenght all around the speaker HEAD to the speaker TAIL  like a SNAKE body around my room....

To undersatand this sentence read my last posts about it in my virtual system page....

The most important piece of gear is NOT a 100,000 bucks pair of speakers but only a room dedicated to your audio system.... Nothing else...For sure i am not stupid and only stupid people will claim that 50 used speakers beat very costly one....My speakers are average but good thats all.... But it is all you need for a DECENT  audiophile  pleasure if your room is acoustically boosted and under more frustration for upgrading...

Any well designed speakers and system will sound good in a controlled room...

This is all i boast about , NOT about my pieces of gear specifically  like most here, even if i love my dac, speakers and amplifier.... They sounded like shit anyway few years ago....Like most audio system in a non controlled environment....Why do you think most people here dream to upgrade?

I like to express myself paradoxically but sometimes the plain simple truth is veiled behind my expression....

In this post of mine of which you extracted my sentence i was answering mijostyn who speak ALWAYS about the impossibility to trust our own ears, which is the most stupid affirmation ever written in a an audio thread and in acoustic matter....The human ears created his own world which is the basis of neurophysiological acoustic and of audiophile experience...Then i felt the obligation to CONTRAST his opinion with mine....

By the way because i never boast about any miraculous gear nor about any costly miraculous "tweaks" for solution, but only about almost no cost and homemade solutions, my proposition seems too good to be true...But they cost me TIME....Listening experiments ask for time.... It takes me 2 years full time of listening.... You can spare money but not much the time, save if you know already how and what to do it will ask for months not years like me....

My best to you and thanks for the question...

Thanks. I see that the answer to my question about whether better equipment would make your system sound better is "yes."

Thanks. I see that the answer to my question about whether better equipment would make your system sound better is "yes."
Any better piece of gear will do better.... And they are plenty of pieces better than mine...

For example for my dac the Denafrips very high end will do....
For my Sansui AU 7700 the Berning ZOTL would be a bargain upgrade in ratio S.Q. /price...

For my speakers it is more difficult to pick one, but i will pick a Tannoy piece like i already own....I dont want to risk a frustration because my Mission Cyrus 781 are very good already...But a high end Tannoy will beat them with a more refine British sound...

But if i add all the cost of these upgrades around 12,000 bucks perhaps 15,000, the comparison with what i have already and what the upgrading effect will do, it is way too much money for the differences...A great difference is not a huge one.... I know what a huge difference is with my own gear BEFORE and AFTER my embeddings controls, especially the acoustical one... Acoustic is a HUGE factor....Exceeding any upgrade....This is the reason why boasting about ANY piece of gear is "naive" in audio....The gear are generally not the solution, the embeddings controls are....

I already have a piano or an orchestra filling my room.... Would i pay for an improvement which will be a real one, but not so much over what i already enjoy? NO.....

The important part of my answer is not this evidence that any well designed piece of gear could be better than mine but the fact that my embeddings controls give already to me a MINIMAL experience of the high end but also a very real flavor of the high end, this at peanuts cost........

I apologize for my lenghtly reply....I know that you dont like that.... 😊

I wish you the best there is and will be....
I think it matters and again it will depend on the equipment you are connecting.

Higher quality gear will benefit more with a higher quality speaker cable or inter connect. If you are at the lower end of the spectrum then use a lower end cable/wire.

I have a modest system with all Simaudio components and Sonus faber Olympica Nova III and use Transparent Audio Wave cables and it sounds great.

Use what you like and spend what you like. If you are happy then good for you.

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