Cardas Clear breakin. How many hours needed?

I purchased a new pr 6 meter XLR’s and 2 meter pr clear speaker cables. Need some feedback from actual users of these cables on how long of a breakin period before they’re sonically right.
Anti cable breakin theorists need not chime in please. 
Coppers, 25-100 hours, The terminal ends take the longest with copper unless they are copper.

Copper/Silver clad. The larger the strand the longer it takes. 200-400 hours

Silver, the larger the strand the longer the BREAK - IN. (Burn-In LOL)

They all better sound good within 25 minutes, BUT some constructs NO MATTER the manufacture take a while to BREAK-IN and a good 24 hours to settle.

Line level cables, just like phono stage, tonearm cable, and internal tonearm wire, take a LONG time.. The voltage is REAL low.

AGAIN if the cable was PRE conditioned that can cut the time by 50% as far as SQ. That is usually the ONLY difference between a lot of the manufactures is how much the cable is preconditioned.. Makes a heck of a difference in "out of the box" experience. Some cable guys do different conditioning too, like jumping cars for a week or so.. That will warm up the ol cables...:-)

Time is needed, and it is not only the wire material itself. Connectors, sheaths, configuration of cable, gauge, signal amplitude, components have their contribution.
Both @decooney and @oldhvymec points are valid.


mastering92 is the only sane poster on this thread! All the others are fair game for the men in white uniforms! I hear the sirens in the distance!
No wonder why people think that audiophiles are insane! Copper sounds different than silver? LOL!