Diffuser or absorber behind listening position....and is it worth doing??

I am a relatively new to serious two channel listening so I don't have a lot of experience to rely on. However, from what I have read on this site I do feel pretty confident that improving my room acoustics via absorber and defusers panels will be the best way to improve SQ at this point. Unfortunately, because my listening room doubles as my living room the only place I can only use panels ( no base traps) and only behind my listening position.... hence my title question. What say you.....will I benefit from adding diffusers? Or should it be absorbers? or forget it and be happy with what I have. (which I am.... )

Here are some room and placement specifics:
Room 12 ft by 18ft 
Speakers (ribbon tweeter) on Long wall with large window with wood blinds on right and drywall on the left
Speakers baffle are 32 inches off front wall and 48 inches off both side wall and are 10 ft apart with a 6x9 rug.
Sitting position can be either against the wall or 2ft off the wall (just slide couch forward....which I do because sound stage and imaging is better).

My main goal is to improve imaging and stage. If it is worth doing, would there be any other benefits? Also,
could you recommend how large a space should the panels cover..... how thick panels should be?

Thanks in advance

Absolutely benefit.  :)

While first reflection points and bass traps are important, controlling the overall energy in a room is as well. Don't forget your ceiling.  Also, consider some of the super-thick panels from GIK. 4" and 7" thick panels can make up for limited numbers.
Have you thought of Synergistic UEF panels withe the UEF dots? I have found them very effective in my listening room. Smaller panels that work magic. And you can demo them - 
601 - Pics and description posted if that helps. Also thanks for the dimensions. Those work for my needs as the panels will be hidden behind couch when not in use and hung up when listening. thx
Eric - it's my understanding that first reflection points (and bass traps) carry the greatest impact. But unfortunately ceiling, side wall, and traps are a no go. But if I understand you correctly even simply addressing the the wall behind me (and only the wall behind me) is worth while, and I think you are suggesting absorption over diffusion like tomic601...please correct me if I'm wrong.
much appreciated!

Also thicker would also affect a greater range of frequency correct?
Nice looking room. I love having a fireplace-though mine is gas. Something about a mantle seems so warm and cozy...

In any case, I see two arched entryways near the speakers. They seem to be somewhat at different angles from the speakers. This, in my opinion, would result in differing sound reflections. If you could put up a couple of room dividers behind them, I think you might be surprised at the change.
Also, take any advice from Tomic601, he knows his stuff.