Habituation to system changes: the Audiophiles' curse...

I've made a lot of great upgrades to my system in the past year and a half and it sounds much more engaging, quiet, pure, and detailed than it used to.  But a little while after making any of these changes, I forget what it sounded like before!  For a perfectionist hobby like this, what a curse!  Always chasing that next noticeable sonic improvement, despite the diminishing returns...  

Who else struggles with this?
The ear always adapts if you really like the sound you're getting you will be happy. If you start to wonder likely not all is well or maybe you just crave something different? One thing to always remember different is different it's not always better.
@jond i wish that were true for me, but it hasn’t been my experience thus far. Maybe you’re less obsessive about it?

if you really like the sound you're getting you will be happy

Not sure I'm less obsessive I just got to a point where I stopped flipping gear and worked with a local dealer and got great sound. Since then upgrades have been incidental, tubes stuff like that.