±0.1VDC 1mVDC ripple is hardly anything to sneeze at.
Thyristors make gawdawful noise when switching. Pointless to control current in a device using a few mA.
No thyristors are ideal in this circuit as they exhibit much better complete switching.
As you well know There are hundreds if not thousands of thyristors , each with different characteristics suiting different purpose, To which do you refer ?
The main advantage with thyristors in rectifier circuits as you should know, is to conduct current only in one direction,this suits when the load requires DC. A diode in comparison always has a forward voltage droprelated to temperature so is always incomplete with its switching. In so doing it creates what is called dark current, also called reverse bias leakage current.
With thyristors they too can exhibit forward voltage, however is related to the junction current, With 3ma being the load that does just not occur, But if large current is the load seen by internal junctions then the thyristor does such transfer to exhibit forward voltage drop slowly.
Another major asset being that a thyristor is a controlled device vs uncontrolled