Synergistic calls out Audioholics

Curious to see what Gene does...

I put butter and salt on my popcorn, but somehow I think that doesn't measure up...

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I cant wait to see the results of this challenge...sure hope it is posted and easily found on here
For the most part, I don’t think this is going to change anyone’s mind about anything......

When entrenched, the human psyche, when under pressure, tends to become more entrenched. It’s a ’bite down harder’ kinda thing, a ’more tenacity required’ kind of function of the overall design.

Every now and then some folks do change their minds about things, but in their own way, in private ways and spaces, out of sight, in a good frame of mind ..where thinking clearly is possible....not in any environment where public face is involved.

Where as soon as public face is involved ...egos are involved... and then positions in the given monkey clan are at threat... as such considerations are notably built out of clan position aspects.

Individuals can be fine. They can get past the bodily created and carried issues. Groups? Groups...are a monkey mess, for the most part. Intelligent people in idiot groupings. Happens all the time.