Synergistic calls out Audioholics

Curious to see what Gene does...

For the most part, I don’t think this is going to change anyone’s mind about anything......

When entrenched, the human psyche, when under pressure, tends to become more entrenched. It’s a ’bite down harder’ kinda thing, a ’more tenacity required’ kind of function of the overall design.

Every now and then some folks do change their minds about things, but in their own way, in private ways and spaces, out of sight, in a good frame of mind ..where thinking clearly is possible....not in any environment where public face is involved.

Where as soon as public face is involved ...egos are involved... and then positions in the given monkey clan are at threat... as such considerations are notably built out of clan position aspects.

Individuals can be fine. They can get past the bodily created and carried issues. Groups? Groups...are a monkey mess, for the most part. Intelligent people in idiot groupings. Happens all the time.
The saddest things of all is if someone or some company creates a near perfect item or piece or whatever, an amp or a speaker or a cable or a DAC or cartridge or what have you...

..there is nowhere for it to go, to fit, to belong.

As everything extant is generally lopsided to some degree. These things do not exist in isolation, and they have to work with other pieces or components.

Then we add in the individual hearing part that is connected to all of this. How complex and individually driven, individually designed or built in the mind. How individual hearing is. Then the part about it being connected to general neural complexity or capacity of the given mind. So the variants (comparable to intelligence curves/plots) available in hearing... amount to some 7.6 billion variants.

Then the added point that we don’t really know all there is to know about humans, or hearing, or air pressure conversions to electrical signals, or measuring electrical signals with respect to what is important in audio and so on. All these subjects are still being explored and change in their fundamentals and available data to analyze, almost by the day. 

Stone does not exist, it can't be written in stone, nothing is written in stone... as dogma/stone is the science and human advancement killer (dogma makes it go circular and dead), even though it (dogma) is a part of the experience of life, part of the irremovable rose colored glasses of human mind conscious thought, the  mental intake and projection. Especially when in groups. Dogma is for societal constructs and has no place in science. Science is change, it is the buddhist walk down the road, the steps taken, the journey.

This (whole envelope of issues and scenarios in situ) is a recipe for disaster when it comes to agreement among clans or camps.

How I love shootouts at high noon! But alas they never seem to happen, or they happen but somehow wilt into something far less than spurs and sixguns. Teo_audio nailed it.

I will say - it appears there’s quite a lot of nastiness coming from both of these guys (Ted and Gene), and they seem to be bringing it on themselves.

And - anybody who thinks machine measurements are the only factors in acoustics and psychoacoustics fails to understand that in addition to the system itself and the measuring tools, there are at least five senses, a brain, and a consciousness involved.

Below is an interesting quote. I don’t quote this or cite this paper to say it’s proof or the last word on sound perception. I’m just offering it as one of many papers that point to human perception as a major factor in what we hear, beyond technically measured factors.

“This paper approaches auditory analysis from the standpoint of sound production. It argues that although air vibration produces sound, sound is not air vibration; and that exploitation of features of air vibration can hardly (if ever) lead to accurate understanding of the principle of the auditory mechanism in speech or music perception.”

And - anybody who thinks machine measurements are the only factors in acoustics and psychoacoustics fails to understand that in addition to the system itself and the measuring tools, there are at least five senses, a brain, and a consciousness involved.
Right on the center spot....

Audioholics membership and participation will go up and synergistic sales will inch up.

It’s just one of those human things.

"I don’t care what they say about me, as long as they say about me." 

There have been some studies done recently where the results seemed to illustrate that limited rewards cause the highest levels of energetic involvement/engagement, in people. That tenacity thing again. In all of it’s complex origins and outward expressions. 

(The studies were partially tied to gaming on line, large player groups. Where something akin to the least rewards were tied to the highest levels of player participation. That dang monkey on the Serengeti plains keeps running the underlying biological carrier system)