Definitely lonely to be an audiophile

Today Ricardo Arjona is broadcasting a virtual concert, I know most of you English natives don't care, but let's imagine is someone you like from "these" times, English speaking artist.

The neighbors have a crappy TV streaming the concert, really bad quality, my wife is upstairs watching on TV, really bad as well.

I do like his songs so I'm in my living room listening to his previous Hires records, on my super system, and I can hear next door the TV broadcasting and I'm wondering what the heck, am I crazy, I rather be alone enjoying the sound from previous Hires recordings, than socially sharing that "noise", it does makes me lonely though, I like social interactions, it is who I am, but definitely being an audiophile makes you an outcast. Just another dilemma, acceptance is bliss
Good night everybody

  Great replys to a great thread.  Listing session starts abour 7pm for me and ends about 10 or when I fall a sleep. About 1 hr in ,Louie the dog whines at the door. Won't  stop till I  let him in. He  goes to sleep fast. Not a music critic. The best audiophile friend I could have. But most of all as I listen to the misic and fiddle with the equpiment  I am thankfull for all the geniuses that made this happen for me. Thank you all. 

Impressive, I'm just curious how many do you have?

I have three. Frank pram stereo 30 (modified), Lafayette LA224B (modified), Yaqin MC-5881A (modified). Three sets of home built speakers. Also a Bush VHF 41 radio and a NordMende Parsifal 6/675 radio. Oh yes and a JVC soundbar for the TV, not exactly Hi-Fi but better than the TV speakers :^)
I like social interactions, it is who I am, but definitely being an audiophile makes you an outcast. Just another dilemma, acceptance is bliss 
Luis, I fear your acceptance is misguided. Your wife and friends are watching a live concert and you can't watch it with them because you're over critical of the sound? You could find your friend watching the next one with your wife... Get over it dude, solo time with your stereo is fine but be real. JMHO not judging but observing, I am as guilty as you about some other passions and it has cost me a high price. 
not many audiophiles around me that I know of. Most non-phile guests I invite over can't shut up and listen