It is a very big question.
Vintage speakers are very different, from electrostatics to horn.
There are also different time periods.
For example speakers from 50x-60x are different from speakers form 70x.
What I don’t like in the speakers evolution, it went to direction of small and low sensitive designs. That makes sound more compressed, tiresome and unmusical.
The second think I don’t like, many modern speakers designer try to emphases high frequencies and it makes speakers sound unnatural.
I also don’t like the fact the new speakers are designed to play modern POP music that makes them sound worse for classical, vocal and jazz music.
I also want to add the "new" materials like beryllium are not really new and have been used in speakers industry since 80x.
Here is an opinion of Peter Qvortrup about it:
For people why think that vintage speakers are garbage can listen this video of Jensen D4 field coil speaker 9" from 1920's.
Vintage speakers are very different, from electrostatics to horn.
There are also different time periods.
For example speakers from 50x-60x are different from speakers form 70x.
What I don’t like in the speakers evolution, it went to direction of small and low sensitive designs. That makes sound more compressed, tiresome and unmusical.
The second think I don’t like, many modern speakers designer try to emphases high frequencies and it makes speakers sound unnatural.
I also don’t like the fact the new speakers are designed to play modern POP music that makes them sound worse for classical, vocal and jazz music.
I also want to add the "new" materials like beryllium are not really new and have been used in speakers industry since 80x.
Here is an opinion of Peter Qvortrup about it:
For people why think that vintage speakers are garbage can listen this video of Jensen D4 field coil speaker 9" from 1920's.