Synergistic calls out Audioholics

Curious to see what Gene does...

I think for the good of the hobby somebody needs to step up. I’ve always respected Bob Carver and Ethan Weiner. These constant scuffs that everybody gets into is getting old. Are used to look forward to reading in the evenings what was going on but it’s the same old same old. I can’t remember the last time I actually learned some thing. It seems like every time I am on either I offend someone or they offend me. It’s a bummer really
May I suggest a bake off and may the best gear win

Axpona 2021 double blind listening shoot out, would be worth the price of admission

Let the public decide

Tally the votes

Ted wins by a landslide, cable snake oil myth solved once and for all

Only in my dreams, Gene does not want a clear and simple answer

That would deny him opportunity to continue spreading misinformation, confusion and general stirring of the pot
I think Gene has done what he set out to do and that is ruffle Ted's feathers. 

"Synergistic Research - Audioholics challenge"

His title to that ** boob tube video.
As he already been offered the "Audioholics Challenge" here many times to back his "snake oil" disciples on what they say on these forums about his fuses, HRT's, UEF's, and has not accepted or responded not even once.
Any other honest manufacturer would be biting at the bit to come on if invited, to back their product.

Cheers George