Raven celeste competitors/alternatives

Lately I've been fixated on The Raven nighthawk/Celeste combo for $7k-ish price.
There may be better systems to build from used sales here, but I'm fearful I would spend the money and not get great sound or  synergy in the system [who wants to help:-) ] I've never had tubes before, so I'm  toying with the idea of getting a raven nighthawk.  To do so, I would have to get rid of my current speakers. The raven celeste would be an obvious consideration on my budget (my current speaks are revel f208), but I'm not crazy about the looks of the celeste, and I have a small living room so other options exist. I'd appreciate input on the celeste or alternatives to consider that will work with everything from industrial, rock, and 80's to female vocalists and jazz funk?  Just curious and dreaming at the moment. No urgent deadline to pull the trigger but soon enough that I don't blow my tax return elsewhere may be a good idea. Lol. Thanks.
Because they are so heavy those handles are needed to be able to safely pick them up. If you own one you'll appreciate them.

I would suggest trying the amp with your current speakers.  I am not familiar with the Raven line of gear, nor am I familiar with your particular speakers.  But, I generally find that most people grossly overestimate the amount of power they really need and undervalue the importance of the amp being able to deliver good sound at normal listening levels (vs. when you want to crank it up).  

I am a big fan of the 6L6 output tube used in the Raven amp.  I  prefer that tube over other tetrode/pentode tubes that deliver more power.  

As for alternative speakers, the suggestion of the Tekton Double Impacts is pretty good, assuming the size and looks are not a deal breaker.  I have heard them in a small room and they can be made to work in a small space.  There is not much that competes at that price that are also reasonably efficient.  Another decent sounding alternative that is efficient and low-cost is the Rethm Bhaava.  Perhaps you could squeeze into the budget something like the Audio Note AN-J or AN-K speaker.  I am also a fan of the ProAc D2 stand-mounted speaker.  At a lower price point, the Warfedale Linton is a nice sounding speaker.