Synergistic calls out Audioholics

Curious to see what Gene does...

I've tried various tweaks from several manufacturers...some tweaks I have kept from some manufacturers and some I have not (from the same manufacturer!) - Some are more discernible than others, some preferable (perhaps system balancing). But good grief you have to be deaf not to hear some of the differences - seriously...but hey, I have friends that can't taste the difference between a napa cab from a highly respected wine maker and cheap red wine...I can taste the difference and to me and my budget its worth it to me to buy and drink the "better" , and yes more expensive, stuff. But hey if it's all made from the same varietal of grapes, why should it taste any different? But do I criticize my friends who can't taste the difference? Nope, I just don't waste the good stuff on them, I keep it for myself...and yes, I have inexpensive red wine in my cellar for just that occasion...are they still my friends? Absolutely...I respect their pallet lust like they respect mine...Oh, and by the way, watch some of the wine documentaries on netflix...some folks have olfactory that is WAYYYYY better than it goes to reason that some have better hearing???? 
Love your wine analogy as I haven't been to a tasting since the onset of Covid. Thankfully, on June 16th everything is supposed to open (in California) and maybe I can get back to my weekend love affair with all of those varietals. God, how I miss just that.

And you're right about how some people have WAYYYY better taste than others. I saw something on wine tasting some time ago and of a couple of thousand DNA combos available for taste, we only use about 280- 300 of them so no two people are alike and some are just plain superior due to the lottery nature of it all. It's what you're born with.

All the best,
I think someone respectable has to take Genes place and take Ted up on the offer , question is who  Oh who would that Guy be . We can put a Medium shirt on him or her and even call him Eugene , Im pretty sure Jamie and Adam Savage aren't doing anything and I think Adam is even an audiophile . Who would be the best person to take the challenge  in Genes place ? And if Ted Turns that down you know he's a True scumbag because Im pretty sure he knew Gene would not take him up on that , he's getting exactly what he wanted out of this cause I didn't know his name last week. It cant be MillerCarbon either He buys Ted Dennys Farts , they were extracted from his butt with a Tesla Coil right into his tires , he gets a better ride in his new Model X, cause everything matters Chuck. Seriously can we all agree on who that would be ?? If it was done right it would be very informative 
To continue with wine as an analogy...

Pairing is critical. Great pairing will elevate a modest wine. Terrible pairing can make a great wine undrinkable.

Much like synergy in a system, be that components or tweaks.

I had friends who I trusted when they would suggest a wine. And, they are very much capable of describing what it is about this wine they like. So, I knew if I picked up a product they suggested, it would be something I would enjoy depending on what it was being paired with.

Now, if someone I don't know goes off on a product - for positive or negative reasons - that I don't know, then I really know nothing about that product.

At this point, it's up to me to do my research and see if it's something I want to try.

But I am not going to jump to conclusions about a product I have no direct personal experience with.

If I am unable to hear the difference of changing something out, or trying something new, then it most likely is something I do not need and I should consider looking elsewhere to "improve" on my music listening experience.

Having said that, no tweak is an island...