Speaker Cables

Speakers cables with best synergy with ProAc D30Rs? Two sets of cables vs one pair with jumpers? Thank you.
Audioquest type 4 is all you need. It has been on the Stereophile’s recommended component list since its inception. Also if the speakers have biwire terminals, I’d take advantage of it. It does make a difference, albeit small, but it is there. Buy the type 4 from Audioadvisor, they will terminate them in house, you will save money.
@ghdprentice Great call on Transparent! I have been using Transparent for 20+ years now. I am now using their Plus speaker cables and IC's. Not only great products but excellent policies and customer service as well!
I am using Nordost with my ProAc D-40r speakers and I like the results. Single run with jumpers. My system is posted if you want to see the other components.
I also agree pcocc is the best wire for audio because it has no Crystal barriers in it like ofc wire does. Ofc wire has 600 Crystal barriers per foot which is little fractures in The wire. Pcocc has zero. Acoustic Zen prices are very reasonable compared to other sellers of single crystal wire. And also ask him to use Furutech locking rcas plugs because the center pin is also single Crystal. My whole system is wired with OCC single Crystal and every time I put in a new OCC single crystal wire you could hear how much better it was.
I would go with Canare 4S11 cable.  I rewired both my systems with it in January 2020 and still loving it 1+ years later.