Synergistic calls out Audioholics

Curious to see what Gene does...

perkri OP
He is putting his money where his mouth is, thats for sure!
You must be blind!!!!!!!!
He’s been invited here to a open forum many times to backup what the fusers, hft’ers, uef’ers say about his snake oil, and not once has he backed them with his print here.

I would like to see Gene take Synergistic Research up on the offer. That would be fun and interesting.

Given Ted’s confidence that his products can be shown to work by objective measurements, I’m surprised far as I know!...Synergistic Research has not provided any such demonstration.You’d think that would be a selling point if such demonstration were available, given the failure of competitors to provide such evidence beyond competing sales patter.

I don’t see any evidence on the SR web site of objective verification through measurements (much less listening tests controlling for bias), or on an internet search. If I’ve missed it on the SR website, or anywhere else on the internet, someone please point me towards it.

The only thing I’ve found about objective measurements from Synergistic Research is this old Stereophile Forum thread:

In that thread Ted apparently believed he had presented measured proof of a difference when using one of his products. There was lots of pushback by the technical types wanting to rule out error. In the end, Ted admitted there was indeed a problem with the files that rendered the data files "corrupted" and "inaccurate." Which was good of him to admit! He then said he’d move forward in trying to establish this objective evidence employing an "objective third party with experience in the field of digital room correction for publication later this year."

I can’t find anything suggesting the objective evidence was ever presented after that stereophile thread. Again...I’d love to be pointed towards that evidence if it was presented, though I suspect we’d know about it if that happened.

So, it looks like this was tried before without success that I’m aware of.

Frankly, though I’m skeptical about such things, I’d like to see Synergistic Research’s claims verified by objective measurements!First of all, it would provide solid evidence for customers of the product’s claims. Second, it would be very intriguing technically, and possibly establish novel ways of improving hi-fi system performance that many hadn’t considered before, that actually have objective evidence, further widening the audience for such tweaks.

It’s a bummer that bad blood seems to be keeping this from happening.

He’s been invited here to a open forum many times to backup what the fusers, hft’ers, uef’ers say about his snake oil, and not once has he backed them with his print here.
Point out where someone, even you, have contacted Ted Denny to come to A'gon to debate you. Screaming from you pulpit here doesn't count.

All the best,