Synergistic calls out Audioholics

Curious to see what Gene does...

He’s been invited here to a open forum many times to backup what the fusers, hft’ers, uef’ers say about his snake oil, and not once has he backed them with his print here.
Point out where someone, even you, have contacted Ted Denny to come to A'gon to debate you. Screaming from you pulpit here doesn't count.

All the best,

I would like to see Gene take Synergistic Research up on the offer. That would be fun and interesting.

Will never happen, Denney wouldn't do it in an open forum.
And now he's taken his used-car/real-estate salesman tutorial Boob-tube video down.


Well, why would he come here? So closed minded folks - who will not listen (Or are incapable of listening...) - can cement their closed-minded attitudes?


He might as well head over to Audioholics and do the same there.

 Results wouldn't be much different.
Huh, no wonder that this Ted annoys people so much. Not that the other one is especially likeable. This Ted sneaked in the comments of some other people that Gene clearly did not agree with. Built the case without there being a case.

Once he started with the ending and "employees, America" and what not, he held on to the straw of "I am a good guy". Which he may be, for all I know. Still, it must take a special person to idolize him. Slick salesman. Bernie.

The other guy, as slick with different image.
SR has been in business coming up on 30 years.

(Many of those with the internet throwing its "stuff" around)

One would think, if what they produced was snake oil, the company would have not lasted this long...