I have been on the hunt for the best turntable I can buy. Any suggestions?

I have been on the for the best turntable I can buy. Any suggestions?

Right now, the best I have is a Technics SL-10, which is good. But, I am on the hunt for a fantastic, buzz free, high fidelity turntable.

i have heard things about Bang and Olufsen...
$450.00 I don’t own a cartridge that costs less than 1k, the IC cables I use on my TT are silver wire cost twice that.You might as well just spend the $450.00  on a cartridge now then another 1K - 2K on a tone arm, then save at least 3K - 6K on a mid level turntable in a year or two.
Wow! I actually skimmed this pile of trash....B&O and $450 to spend and he bought the B&O:( the only advice you should have listened was not to buy the B&O.

Why ask a question and do the complete opposite of what was recommended by multiple people?
I have a TX in the garage w Soundsmith 3, granted the table was $125 Craigslist...
It does have a suspension and the OP could have Peter( who many here laud and dont claim as deaf ) rebuild his table and add “ the voice “ cart... a clear upgrade path...

A pal asked me for advice because he wanted to get serious about a new turntable.
He was willing to go "up to 5k all in."
I put together a bunch of options with links and prices. He ended up buying a used Sony on Craigslist for "a few hundred."