Synergistic calls out Audioholics

Curious to see what Gene does...

but, have you tried any of their products?


Neither have I tried flat earth belief, or homeopathy.  Or new age crystal healing.  Or little brass bowls placed on my walls. 

I will await some reliable objective evidence that raises a product out of the noise of marketing claims, to suggest they are worth my time and effort and money.

Even if somebody like Gene "proves" the SR stuff makes no measurable difference, cannot be selected in blind listening tests, and costs a fraction of the selling price to build, how does that "prove" it is snake oil - as long as the purchasers are happy with their purchases.  I don't care whether Ted Denny drives a Ferrari, I didn't help pay for it.
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Heres the thing, the products are real, they actually exist. You can hold them, touch them and listen to them. If they don’t work, you can return them.

This isn’t about me being for or against one company, tweak, approach or what someone appreciates in a system as far as how it sounds.

I have a problem with blind, closed minded ignorance.

Suspect I’m going to hear something along the lines of “If someone told me that if I  put feathers in my pockets, i could fly, I wouldn’t be running to try and jump off a building either. Not unless they could show me measurements...”

Looking forward to the next ridiculous analogy...