Suggestion for Audiogon Forums

I think it’s time to divide the forums into three categories, Questions, Opinions and Throwdowns.

Questions necessarily require answers which are often opinions.

I could do without the throwdowns.

an important addition is to use a granny checker or swearing/bad words checker.

And when ever the word pairing 'snake oil' is used, the attempt to post fails, or is changed to read 'sour grapes'.
The biggest problems with this and any board is Know it alls. I had a bad case of it from about 13 - 20 yrs old but outgrew It. It used to be a  common malady which was normally outgrown. But now it is much more pervasive in grown ups...or at least, those who should be grown ups. 
Questions, opinions, and throwdowns, you say. Okay.  

So tell me afisher, into which category does this thread go then?