ATC SCM150 (or JBL Synthesis) (or JBL vintage) (or new Klipsch Jubilee)

Hi. My name is Juan. I'm from Spain. Sorry for my horrible english... 

It´s a pleasure to be on the Audiogon community.  

Many months searching webs, forums, shows, videos, "expert" opinions, "commercial" opinions, sellers with "interests", sellers "without any interest"... Hi-Fi world is a long trip, a difficult trip with "shine" products and (at least) a five digit price... A jungle for rich men. A paradise for the new economies. Another "economic bubble"....

If you are a person like me, with little knowledge, it´s easy to be scared...

I'm looking to set up a hi-fi system. I'm using Qobuz streaming service (no CD´s and no vinyls).  

I like so much ATC. Is one of the few brands that have all my trust. They are a legendary brand but most important, they are a brand that goes "against" the market. They are a brand focussed on the professional market and for them the most important is the sound.

I´m really interested on the SCM150 speakers (tower version). I have exchanged some messages with the technichal department of the brand, but I would like also to hear the expert opinion of the audiogon community.

Some questions. Thanks in advance for all your recommendations:

1) How would you describe ATC sound?? For me, they have the best mid of the market. Some people call this sound as "neutral fidelity". Neutral sounds (instead of warm) it doesn´t to have to be negative. On the contrary, is a virtue to my eyes. But in your opinion, it could be exccesively analytical?? Could cause fatigue??

2) What´s your opinion about ATC bass in general and the SCM150 bass in particular??

3) Active vs passive. Most of the people (it doesn´t surprise me) seem to prefer the active version or active sound. As you know, the SCM150 can go with the P6 amplifier (it doesn´t goes in this case on the loudspeaker box). What´s your opinion about this amplificaction in particular?? What´s your opinion in general about the active version?? It is your personal preference?? (there was a nice thread about this item:  (audiotroy and lonemountain seem to know so much about this brand).

4) If I go with the active version I will need a preamplifier. You will go with Solid State instead or valves (the "particular" sound of valves could be counterrproductive with this speakers that reveal any imperfection and they are also speakers that need power)??

5) I see great combinations with Spectral pre. Some people also recommend Bricasti, Simaudio seems also to suits... I would like a pre that gives some "warm" and musical sound to compensate the neutrality of the ATC. What would be your recommendation?? Please specify brand and model. I want a nice piece at the level of the SCM150.

6) What´s your general opinion about ATC speakers?? It would be one of your first choices??

7) In the comparison with other "professional" brand as JBL Synthesis (K2 model for example) what would be your choice??

8) In the comparison with some JBL vintage models from JBL what would be your choice?? I´m talking specifically about Henrick Sound customs 4344 and 4351 (vertical version of the 4350). Any thought??

(webs Kenrick: and and;

(model 4351:;

(model 4344:

9) In the comparison with the new Klipsch Jubilee (I talked with Roy Delgado and they are supposed to be on the market at the end of the year) what would be your recommendation?? Yes, I know that are not yet on the market so no one has been able to hear them but as a horn technology and according to some other models (for example Kilspchorns) what we can expect?? Is Klipsch really at the level of ATC or the JBL´S.

Thanks so much to everyone. Your comments would be very helpful to me.

Hi Juan, welcome.
You will get very many different recommendations to your post, so I will focus on answering your questions instead.I have listened to, and auditioned, the SCM 150, modified Klipschorns, and scores of JBLs including their big 3way (9900?), so I can offer anecdotal information.

1) & 6) Subjectively speaking the ATC sound is neutral, with very dynamic peaks, very "fast" sound, and very controlled and not overabundant bass & upper-bass frequencies. It is not harsh ("analytical") and it is detailed. They also can play loud enough to simulate real life conditions. Finally, they do not have a romantic, warm, etc, sound. They are fast and furious; subjectively speaking I don't find them fatiguing, I find them exciting and precise.
If I had a large space, which I do not, the 150 would be on my short-list. But then, so would the big Magico, the big Gamut, the big Vivid Audio...

2) My experience is that most ATC models are slightly bash-shy compared to the competition: it is not prominent and it does not go very low. OTOH, the bass you get is very clear & controlled. The 150 is a notable exception: it *DOES* produce bass and in high amplitudes!
Overall, the 150s are outstanding speakers which can fool you into thinking you are actually listening to a full Mahlerian orchestra live (or Led Zep live, etc)

3) Years ago I had the actives & later the passives for a short while at home.
Passive: I powered these with a 250W / channel Class A amplififier (i.e. a 1.2kW device). The result was good, I could drive them adequately, but more power would always be useful.
Given this, and if I did not already have power amps, Active would be my choice for practicality & price (top-quality amps capable of driving the 150 well are priced out of this world). The amps included in the active one were very decent and performed excellently.

4) You need a pre that is hyper detailed and, if possible, wide bandwidth: subjectively, such pres sound "fast" and the 150 are "fast" speakers (ie.e their drive units powerful magnets).
So, definitely solid-state unless you can afford a CAT SL1 extreme (tubes) or similar.

5) Spectral is an excellent choice, some of their older models are good and affordable. If you go passive: pre+amp from the likes of Spectral, or Soulution, etc do the job; for a very slightly "warmer" sound, Symphonic Line, BFA, MBL.. etc.... I am only mentioning the ones I'm familiar with, there are many others.

7) Definitely ATC for home use
8) I haven't listened to the Kendrick versions. They are, however, a totally different design, with wide dispersion characteristics, especially in the mids-highs.

9) I have listened to Klipschorns extensively in the past. Compared to the 150 they will sound thin but much more generous in the bass. They produce a huge sound, just like the 150, and they do not need huge amplification -- but they will NOT play well with "3 golden watts".Based on my experience, the Klipschorns, when set-up correctly and modded, are superior for home use to most JBLs (except for the 9900?, or the model below -- even there I'm not sure). Mind you, JBL is not Harman's brand primarily destined to home use; Revel is.

Anyway, a long post, hopefully useful to you. Good luck!

Be advised that Klipschorns and Jubilees are two very different animals.........

Hi Juan,
Before Lone Mountain Audio took over distribution and sales for ATC in the States, I was the ATC dealer in California. And I lived with Anniversary 50s in my 2 channel home system. I also had 5 SCM 100s in a home theater. So, I am intimately familiar with the ATC sound. I had a friend and colleague who was the recording engineer for the Star Trek Movie soundtrack. When I played that disc for him through my Anniversary 50s he said that it was the best he ever heard it! He recorded it at one of the world’s top studios-Skywalker Sound. And my late friend, one of the world’s top mastering engineers, Doug Sax only used ATC SCM 100s in his 2 channel studio and his 5 channel one. As you know, the top recording and mastering studios and most famous concert halls use ATC. The Disney concert hall uses about 15-20 SCM 100s all around the hall.
If you want to enjoy accuracy and musicality, ATC is close to the top.
Most audiophiles like to play with amplifiers so the perfectly powered ATCs don’t attract. But, about the most difficult challenge in Audio is matching amplifier with speaker. ATC takes this out of the equation. Their built in amps are the perfect match for the excellent drivers of ATC.
Please see the link above for used SCM 100s. It mentions that the speakers were tested and certified by ATC in England so these look very good. And I believe that you will be able to buy them for, at least, $10K including shipping from Canada. That is, offer the fellow $8,000. I do not think they will go for $10,000.
Regarding your mention of SCM 150, the 150s are a very powerful speaker and they would over power any but a very big room. Be aware of this. And a chance to buy excellent used SCM 1000s should not be missed. The 100s do not produce the bass of the 150s but the are more accurate and do not overpower a room.
My strong advise is to buy those 100s in Canada.
you will enjoy them a lot!

Hi Juan,
Regarding a great preamp for the ATCs, the best I know is the Atma-Sphere MP-1. It is valve output with a solid state power supply.
It also has one of the very best phono stages built in if you ever want to go vinyl-which is my strongest suggestion.
The MP-1 is also uniquely, absolutely balanced so there is no need for expensive cables which will be long XLRs to the speakers.
With other preamps you would have to spend thousands to get the proper cables. I live with the Atma MP-1 and I use $15 cables from Amazon to connect my amps. And Ralph Karsten at Atma is a true gentleman and extremely helpful to make sure your system is as good as it can be. Go to and call Ralph at
651-690-2246. And you can email me at mike@
I would be happy to help you get a system you will love for years!
If your preference is "neutral fidelity "  and active you should at least give Dutch and Dutch 8c, Kii3,  Adam and perhaps Genelec (which are very neutral) a listen.