New Cambridge 540 vs. Used Music Hall CD25

Considering picking up one of the close-out Cambridge 540C players from audioadvisor (the older model, not the new v2) for $275. Or, I have found the Music Hall CD25 for about $300 used (again, not the new 25.2 or 25.5 or whatever they call it). Curious to hear any opinions on which route I should go. Spend the little bit extra for a used, but higher-end, model? Play it safe with new? One thing I have noticed - I see all sorts of talk about mod'ing the Music Hall, but none with the Cambridge. Maybe Music Hall offers more options down the line?
So Kees, i know's its only been a few days, but how's the new Music Hall 25.2? I'm looking at getting one myself with the 627 opamp upgrade.
Hi Amp,

Had a delay which I did not receive my cd player until today, 11/2. I connected the player and put in Robbie Robertsons and played Fallen Angel. I thought something was wrong with my speakers as the bass was incredible. I had never heard the beginning to this song like this player brought out. I also listened to parts of Grover Washington Jr.'s: Winelight and Donald Fagen: The Nightfly. Every cd I could hear something new. This player is impressive.
I like the imaging and the soundstage. There is space between the instruments and they can be defined in space. I can tell where the drummer is in relationship to the vocalist, etc. On one of the quitier passages in Winelight, I could hear each individual drumstick hitting the drumskin. I am hearing so much new information, that I will have to listen to some of my favorites several times before I can really tell you what all of the differences are. My system hasn't sounded so good since I sold my Linn lp-12 turntable.

I had listened to the new Rega Apollo and a Quad and the $5000 Audio Research CD3. The Music Hall has better bass than the Rega with just as nice mid and hi frequencies. Nothing beats the Audio research, but I really don't have a need for a $5000 cd player.

Hope you find this helpful, James
I do own a brand new cambridge 540c,I am happy about the sound,but not about the build quality after owning it for 7 months had to ship it back because the cd drawer was stuck closed.I have not heard the music hall so I can't comment on it.Sonically I am happy,but noy otherwise.Troy