Modded Players

I'm interested in modding my Phillips 963sa. I'm wondering if any of the A-Gon community would comment on the pro's and cons of their experience modding their machine. If you respond could you tell me which player you had done. Who did the mod? Are you satisfied with it? Does it compete with the top shelf players? Any comments/suggestions/opinions would be appreciated.
Sony DVN-900S, modded by TRL (Tube Research Labs). Blows away any digital I have ever heard. I'm looking for another one to send to Paul.

Shoot him an email, he'll tell you if it's worth modding or not. I was going to send him my Marantz 8260, he said it can sound good but if you want something amazing find a Sony 900. I had my doubts, but man am I glad I listened to him.

Flat $550 for all mods. It really is amazing.

I was looking to spend up to about $3000, couldn't find anything that came close. I have talked to people who say the Sony 900 mod betters their $12,000 separates.
Thinking I would try cheap rather than expensive transports first time around,I bought an Aiwa modded by Stan W.Then a Panasonic modded by EVS,then a Toshiba modded by RAM.All are similiar,all are good,though I cannot give a comparisan to any mutli-K$ players out there,because I havent heard them.But I hope to as I'm very curious,good luck,Bob
Actaully I think that the mod price on the Sony 900 through TRL may be getting raised to $750 due the extensive labor involved, but they could tell you if they have implemented that new price yet.

Other places to research are Modwright and Empirical Audio.
Your front end is, IMHO certainly the only/biggest weak point in your system. Improving that will make a TON of difference (positive) in your musical experience.
Good Luck and Good Listening!
Thanks for all the responses. Myraj- I agree with your assesment. Thats why I'm looking into upgrading/modding my player. Lkdog-Your response is the reason for my post. If I can achieve more by finding a different player to mod rather than my current one-thats the route I'd rather go. Arni- I familiar with Rick Shultz's work-I had one of his DAC processors. It was an exceptional piece for the money. He quit that to do the mods. It figures he's not doing mods anymore. Thanks for all the insight and advice. I'm aware of all the threads on AA-But I usually like the Audigon elders opinions more.