Modded Players

I'm interested in modding my Phillips 963sa. I'm wondering if any of the A-Gon community would comment on the pro's and cons of their experience modding their machine. If you respond could you tell me which player you had done. Who did the mod? Are you satisfied with it? Does it compete with the top shelf players? Any comments/suggestions/opinions would be appreciated.
Denon 2900-universal player-Modwright truth-tube-no comparison after the mods-highly recommended.
Krelldog, Ric could probably give you some recommendations on who to maybe go to and what unit to use.
Thanks for all the advice. I decided to go with a level 2 modded Denon 2910 with a superclock. I made my purchase with Underwood Wally. I should have it in 2 weeks. The 3 main reasons were 1. I wanted a universal player. 2. The 2910 has an HDMI and a DVI out.3. Underwood Wally's reputation is very solid. I hope I made the right choice.
Krelldog, It will play better than anything stock! Or should I say most anything stock. There are stock players that beat the little JVC, one being the reimyo. I dont think the reimyo would stand a chance with your Denon. After the Reimyo is upgraded though, no chance.
I would love to hear all these modded players but there is no way that is going to happen. Let us know what you think after it breaks in a little.
The Reimyo? I had never even heard of it...I looked it up and if this 2910 is even in the same league sonically with the Reimyo-I'll be a happy camper.