Raven Audio Nighthawk

So the scuttlbutt on the Raven integrated amps is pretty good. But just how good are they? Are they good when compared to other comparably priced tube integrateds? Or are they better than some heavy hitters?

I currently have a NOSvalves ST-45 amp paired with a Don Sachs Model 2 (latest version) preamp and I am extremely happy with this pairing. With that said, I guess there is nothing really that I'm looking to improve. But since we all know how this game goes, I just wonder how much better (or not) the Blackhawk III would be. Consolidating two pieces down to one chasis is an attractive idea too.

I would love to hear from you if you own a Nighthawk or Blackhawk or have auditioned one against something else. I know they offer a 45 day trial period, but from my calculations if I don't like it it will cost me close to 400.00 out of pocket once the dust settles. So I'd like to go into this with a warm fuzzy that it's pretty darn good.


@ozzy62  We could tell your motives were good. Let us know the direction you go. 
Like my dad said you can’t hit a home run with every at bat. 

@watersidedave Dave.  I appreciate you chiming in on Audiogon.I am new to tube amps and also to the forums. Please take a look at all my post I was just trying to get help troubleshooting my amp.

 I contacted Bryant originally and he referred me to James ..I had a conversation and a few emails/ text with James and he reassured me that we will get the problems solved. I waited over a week with no call back about possibly having a bad tube . I understand you guys are busy and that is one of the reasons I asked for help on the forum.

My statement about not being happy with raven was 100% based on the response James gave me on my email yesterday,,, I took it as raven had already given up on me and my amp. 

The first time I contacted Raven is the day I placed my order. I did not tire kick or drag out my purchase.. I was going to order a prima Luna(in stock)  but came across your products on the forum and new I wanted to be a part of of The Raven family.

I’m currently out of town for a few days but will get the amp back to you ASAP.  I have no intentions in getting wrapped up in a mud fight online I just needed help making a great looking amp sound great.



OZ, yes thanks for the update, a class post. Was following this thread as I was once interested in going the integrated route and the Raven Blackhawk or Osprey in particular, however decided to remain with separates. 
Post removed 

The guys at Raven should ship that amp to @millercarbon free of charge. He has been Hawkin’ Raven amps since he’s been posting here. He has probably given Raven more exposure to the many that have not known about Raven products!!

as i have expressed in other posts, i think this cuts both ways like a sharp sword...lol -- it amazes me mc goes on and on about raven but doesn't even have one 🙄🙄🙄

like having the idiot orange man with comb-over plugging your start-up's products, yes you may get a few hits but also a whole lotta hate...

but dave at raven is not mc... so we should be careful to distinguish between the two - hopefully raven can get supply chain, customer responsiveness, packing/damages sorted out soon and gets only reports from happy customers...