Processor question

Hello all,
    I am considering either a McIntosh MX 123 or an Audio Control Maestro X9. Has anyone heard these processors? Also, do you have a preference of one or the other in a system used for both music and movies?
I have 2 Anthem AVRs and I have not found the ARC to be buggy at all.  I also use Dirac in my 2 channel system and that had a few more obstacles to implement, but has been stable sine implementation.  As you can see I am a believer in Room Correction and urge you to get a Processor with this capability.  If you don’t like it, just deactivate.

  So you can’t ask all the girls out ( actually in my dating days I would ask dozens to go out, hoping to snag 1), you can ask the prettiest ones, and for me that would be ones with room correction
+1 @mahler123

ONES with Room correction ( little vicious . lol )There is a difference between asking dozens and dancing with dozens in the same evening.

I have a melting pot of subs ( not recommended )
1 center front Kef KC62
2 sides PSB subseries 125
2 rears Klipsh C 310ASWi and Monitor Audio Silver W12

the kef KC62 , is my best sub.

I use all the 20 channels in my setup
I am waiting for ASPEQT .
Monitor Audio Silver 300 ( wides-surrounds-rears) pairs well with the

auxinput, I have used the Bryston SP3 as a stereo preamp and it is very good, but I prefer the sound with the Ayre KX-5 Twenty.  That preference is compounded with the KX-5 being used with a DX-5 DSD disc player and QX-5 Twenty Roon endpoint as sources and a VX-5 Twenty amp, all balanced of course in the Ayre fashion.

I just had the McIntosh MC257 delivered today and the MX123 is on order. At the moment I run B&W 702 S2 with matching center and  B&W DB4S subwoofer using a older MC7270 thru a Marantz A/V receiver and it sounds really nice. The new set up should be 100% improvement.
But getting to the point. I have researched A/V preamps going on 2 years and decided on the MX123 because of sound, build quality almost future proof and its a Mac. Lets face it, nothing is future proof but this will be my last system excluding speakers.
I’ve heard this system and I think I made a good choice.
Bottomline, let your ears do the spending and not someone else’s.

  My experience after trying a whole slew of these things is there is no way to add a processor without your stereo taking a hit.

Actually, I found a great way.

My power amp has both SE and Balanced inputs that are active at the same time.  I run the front channel pre out from my AVR to the RCA jacks on the power amp, and I run balanced from my stereo preamp to the amp.  When the stereo is active, the HT system is off, which results in no adverse affects to the 2 channel system.  When the HT system is active, the 2 channel preamp is off.

Great stereo, surprisingly good 5.1.2  HT (this is not the main HT system).  This works great without sacrificing any sound quality on the 2 channel system.