Synergistic calls out Audioholics

Curious to see what Gene does...

@mahgisterI think you answered your own question in the same post.
I Apologize.... 🧐

Sometimes i speak to myself more than i think....
I have tried many many many cables.  A lot of them are not demonstrably better than another.  Do they sound different?  Yes.  I would live with whatever sounded best to my ears.  It just so happens that I have landed with MIT....not the MIT cables most people reference when they speak of comparisons, but recent technology versions.  In my case, special edition cables from Joe Abrams at Equus Audio.  Once heard in a good system, you cannot un hear what they do...they allow the music to flow unhindered and with realistic presence, soundstaging and timbre!  No roll offs, no dynamic constraints and no overemphasis of any particular frequencies.  It’s not subtle...if you compare them to other cables it’s more of a Holy Crap moment then a beard scratcher 👂

Got it. You’re just spreading unsubstantiated rumors. Very honorable of you. 
Kind of like how the election in the states went the other way right? So much more to
it, but no actual facts. 
So here is a question. I have a degree in physics and applied mathematics, and I think I can make really good sounding /looking cables, how do I go about pricing my cables? It seems that the pricing is all over the place, and I am not really sure why some cables are much much more expensive than others besides the material quality. The cost seems to be what the manufacturer thinks they can get away with, as no R&D data is published. So how do you go about pricing ?