Yes, very well, thanks for asking. I've enjoyed your pursuits and sharing of valuable information regarding some of the above mentioned brands over the years.
Lots of great information written here and things to consider. I know several guys that are pursuing the vintage route too. Worth considering. I've always enjoyed low power SS and tubes, but also like full range bass that I can feel (preferably without subs), and all in a reasonably sized package (sometimes challenging). I truly understand why so many guys have two or three systems for different genres of music.
Yes, very well, thanks for asking. I've enjoyed your pursuits and sharing of valuable information regarding some of the above mentioned brands over the years.
Lots of great information written here and things to consider. I know several guys that are pursuing the vintage route too. Worth considering. I've always enjoyed low power SS and tubes, but also like full range bass that I can feel (preferably without subs), and all in a reasonably sized package (sometimes challenging). I truly understand why so many guys have two or three systems for different genres of music.