The guys at Raven should ship that amp to @millercarbon free of charge.
I think it would be wonderful if Dave would ship me Ozzy62's amp for review. Would be such fun to write everything I am sure it will be, including trouble free. Provide a great opportunity to explore just how much damage some of the low-life complainers around here do to our economy and the audio community as a whole. Not that any of them will care. They will go right on fabricating stories about problems they never had (three different ones flat out made up stories while I was waiting for my Moabs, I am sure that is what is going on with at least one of them here) and exaggerating problems that often as not they themselves contributed to.
Then at the end Dave sells the amp, I ship it to whoever. They are happy to get a tiny little discount on a beautiful amp fully burned in and vetted by one of the best, and Dave gets a full on review by one of the most credible and talented writers around. Plus I get to enjoy a Raven for a few weeks. Not that Dave needs the extra business, but it never hurts to burnish the ol' rep.