MQA is for chumps

I said it before, and I'll say it again:
MQA is just Dolby for the 21st century.
Great video Fuzztone. 
The good news is unlike other hardware and software formats, I don’t have money invested in this one, and the alternatives sound great. So, I’m not stuck or vested in it. 
When I had an NAD M51 DAC , I could hear a difference with MQA and at times, depending on the recording, it could be great. I have a tube DAC now without MQA support. FLAC sounds great —better than Redbook to me. 
I’m also hedged as I have a good chunk of vinyl abs super analog setup. 
Do folks think MQA’s future is bleak?  That’s interesting. As ISP bandwidth increases maybe none of this is necessary anyway. 
I had Tidal for 1 year and then subscribed to Qobuz as well. Both subscription at thier premier levels. Within 90 days I cancelled Tidal.

I’m very happy with Qobuz sound quality.
I never invested in any hardware supporting MQA and dumped Tidal as soon as Qobuz became available in the US. Qobuz blows away Tidal in both in SQ and content. 
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