Tube/Hybrid Tube Preamps Below $2000

I pulled the trigger on a ps audio s300 power amp and the new klh five speakers. I can’t wait to set them up, but I can’t decide on a preamp. I’m new to tubes and separates, and this seems like a good opportunity to add some warmth. At the moment my short list is the rogue audio rp-1 and the van alstine fet valve cf rb. The cfr looks great, but pushes above $2000.
The rp-1 includes a phono stage which is a plus, and rogue seems to have a great reputation. Rogue audio often pairs tubes with class d amps, so it seems pretty safe that it’ll pair with the s300. RA is a PA company which is a plus.
The fet valve seems to have great reviews too, and it uses 4 tubes instead of 2 (this isn’t necessarily an advantage I know). I also like the simplicity and look of the fet valve better than the rp-1.
I was wondering if anyone had experience with either, or even both. Also, any missed options? Is the Doge 7 worth considering? The Doge 8 is just a little too much. I’m not opposed to used, but warranties and return periods are a big advantage. Van Alstine’s in particular seems great
i would agree - for 2 grand probably best to look at chi-fi (with all its attendant caveats and risks) - a good used don sachs is around 2 grand

schiit and ava makes some less costly ones but lack some key features like remote control etc etc ...

otherwise, in my experience really top tube preamps are 3-4-5 grand and up (c-j, arc, herron, supratek vac and so on)
Van alstine?
used CJ et3 or et5?

 Lots options out there. 
 Enjoy the ride. 
Check out Aric Audio. He has a tube pre which sells for $1650. I own his Special pre. Great guy to work with. Hand made in USA.