Garbage in = garbage out is a red herring.. even entry level source and amps are pretty good.. therefore there is no "garbage in". There is a little bit better in, there is I like the sound of that in a little better than another in, but there is no garbage in.I like very much your first paragraph affirmation , and i concur with it totally....
ALL speakers are colored, have the highest levels of distortion of all components by a LARGE margin, and have the most severe limitations when it comes to integrating them into the room.... so this is actually a stupid debate. You have to find a speaker that fits your room and your tastes. What comes before is icing on the cake,, the speaker is the cake.
1. Drive a $1000 speaker with a $100,000 front end and it sounds like a $1000 speaker.
2. Drive $100,000 speakers with a $1000 front end and its not as good as it can be, but it will sound much better than #1
end of debate, you can close this thread
All what you say after miss the essential point...
The room is the cake, you must design a room with all the passive and active acoustical controls necessary to help your speakers...
Ask any acoustician, the best speakers sound bad in a bad room and good in a good room.... Less pricey speakers will beat costly one if put in a good room and the pricey one in a bad room...
Go on youtube et listen pricey speakers in a bad room there is plenty to listen to..... I prefer my 50 dollars used speakers in my controlled room than many very very costly one ...
We never listen to speakers....
We listen to room/speakers....
Let the debate going on please....We will keep the thread .... 😊