An Endless Journey.

I've been pursuing, listening, looking, toying, buying, selling 2 speakers stereo system since I was 11-12yrs old as my hobby. It's an endless journey with a lot lot enjoyments. Bottomless money-pit as well, I would said.
Then when I was 34, tired, broke and still no satisfaction, no end on the sight, I bought a Rega Planar 3, a Rotel RCD-855, a Naim Nait 1, a Rega Ela and I called it quit.
So happy I am for the next 30yrs, so much I enjoy the Music, the Instruments, the Soundstage, Clarity and whatever comes out from the system.
Now the Rega Ela lost their Tweeters. 
Should I spend $2-300 and find the Replacement  or just get rid of them?
Note: I still enjoy and love the sound of Rega Ela very much.
You are happy with your system and love your speakers, so yes get the tweeters replaced.
Does an 80ish speakers as Rega Ela stands the chance to compete with any speaker now days? 
Of course they both are very much in the same  Pricewise.
Rega was $1250 back in 80ish, probably would be around $1500-$1750 now?
Should I start my journey again, it itches inside out.
Get a pair of Quad 57's! They will work well with your Naim  Nait amp. Every audiophile should at some point own a pair or two!