Would silver cables beat UP-OCC copper?

All things considered, which is the better choice for best sound, silver (for example, Siltech) or UP-OCC copper, such as Furutech or Neotech? Thanks.
The answers here, so far, have been far from random. What they do seem is to indicate a particular direction to go. 

Soon, I'm going to be experimenting with some copper bi wire cables and if that is a bust, then my next move will be to take my two Tempo Electric speaker cables and maybe bi wire them using a KLE Harmony banana that can accept two different cables and use that for the amp end and use some single bananas for the speaker end and see how that fares.

Tempo Electric were the best SCs I've encountered when I had my Tonian Labs TL-D1s. Nothing else came close, in my limited experience. It was only when I got my JBLs is where the Tempo Electrics fell short, and that may very well be that the speaker needs to be bi wired to sound it's best. 

It's the way I have it now with two different style cables and it's much better sounding that way already. The jumpers were holding things back.
Time will tell.

All the best,
I don’t know I’m confused.. Water seems to help, oxygen too.. ;-)

Am I reading this right? 2014 this thread started? I am confused! I see a slow dismal demise of my dashing dimples and wondering mind...  What happend?  Mike Tyson, after Buster clocked him good.. :-)

@nonoise - When you say jumpers - are you using the metal jumpers that come with the speaker?

If you are, then yes, the jumpers are the issue
- but rather the making a second set of cables try some quality jumpers like these ones on @grannyring 's system page - he loves them

grannyring's System - Virtual Systems (audiogon.com)

Also take a look at this thread - the Helix Speaker cables are exceptional

Regards - Steve
@williewonka ,
Actually, I was using a pair of DH Labs silver plated OFC copper jumpers and for the longest time, and thought they were great. It was when I tried using the Tempo Electrics on the high connectors was when I realized some musical information was AWOL, along with cleaner and clearer highs and lows. This will take some time. 😄

All the best,
OK, so I forgot about Google. Magnet wire has, as an average, a dielectric constant of about 3.75 - 4.00

So that is nowhere near Teflon, and not so good.