Nothing is sturdier than a ring radiator

Among high end tweets the ring radiator is as sturdy as they come.  The only other tweets I know of as sturdy are the high end AMTs.

Be?  Diamond? Ceramic? Forget about it.  Ring's' reign supreme.
Here is a good explanation why AMT aka Ribbons

AMTs are NOT AKA ribbons, therefore your premise is bunk. AMTs work on completely different principle, have different motors, vanishingly low distortion and stored energy and impedance characteristics and the conductor and the radiator are not the same material in an AMT. About the only thing they have sort of kind of in common is the effective radiating area is square or rectangular which makes them kind of similar in radiating patterns. If you keep saying AMTs are ribbons, it’s like calling every black car a Mercedes. AMTs are built differently, measure differently, perform differently and are far less delicate than ribbon tweets. Everyone who universally conflates a "ribbon tweeter" with an AMT really has no idea what they are talking about.

In addition to being built entirely differently, the top end Mundorfs have wildly better measurements, including frequency, distortion and lack of thermal compression than a ribbon tweeter. I mention this brand because there are many cheap AMTs which do not perform as well. I’m specifically talking about the high end examples such as from Beyma or Mundorf when I praise their performance.

Try again. And again.
Mundorf has requested I test their ATM's, I looked at price and scared me off.
I have no cash for high priced ATM's right now.
Tell ya what I;'ll ask Richard Gray tomorrow, he knows what sonics i am looking for
I'll ask him 
pros /cons of 
Compression vs Mundorf's ATM..
ohhh just cked
91db = dinasaur, its below the <<Golden Threshold>> 94db sens.
+ The price wayyy out my budget. 2 strikes ITS OUT.
Until you compare to the Viawave 
matched pair ribbons from Russia.
Check out HiFi Compass..while your there read about the Purifi drivers. Tom
ATM's, That's where you get your cash. AMT's, That's where you get your sound. lol
A ring radiator, like a JBL 2404H compression tweeter, will have better dispersion and dynamics then an AMT tweeter. That said, the AMT tweeter will have a higher frequency response then the JBL 2404H tweeter. Like all things in audio, it is subjective. See the link:                                 
<<Higherb Fq response>>>
NOt even slight bit interested in the highest registers, My classical cd collection/LP collection has rarelya  few notes in the high fq register, 
Like Richard Gray mentions, 
This is the most critical word when discussing tweeters, or any driver for that matter.
I am more than confident to claim as my  mantra
~~~The higher the sensitivity, the superior dynamics = high fidelity will result~~~~~
Audiogon members need to confront the new technology.
Why live in old doctrines and dogmas.
The entire speaker discussion revolves around 1 central concern. 
I do not wish to repeat myself over and over 1000 times on this board,
But here it is in a  nut shell
~~~Speakers are everything in a  system, = most critical component~~~~
~~~~Sensitivity rating is everything in a  speaker design/performance/voicing~~~
Speakers Most critical component in any tube system. 
Sensitivity Most Critical in a speaker design. 
My objective is to bring the audiophile community into the 21st Century  by making aware 
 as to what constitutes
a  true high fidelity sound system. 
FR/Compression combo is the 21st Century speaker. 
All else is dinasaur.