Nothing is sturdier than a ring radiator

Among high end tweets the ring radiator is as sturdy as they come.  The only other tweets I know of as sturdy are the high end AMTs.

Be?  Diamond? Ceramic? Forget about it.  Ring's' reign supreme.
<<Higherb Fq response>>>
NOt even slight bit interested in the highest registers, My classical cd collection/LP collection has rarelya  few notes in the high fq register, 
Like Richard Gray mentions, 
This is the most critical word when discussing tweeters, or any driver for that matter.
I am more than confident to claim as my  mantra
~~~The higher the sensitivity, the superior dynamics = high fidelity will result~~~~~
Audiogon members need to confront the new technology.
Why live in old doctrines and dogmas.
The entire speaker discussion revolves around 1 central concern. 
I do not wish to repeat myself over and over 1000 times on this board,
But here it is in a  nut shell
~~~Speakers are everything in a  system, = most critical component~~~~
~~~~Sensitivity rating is everything in a  speaker design/performance/voicing~~~
Speakers Most critical component in any tube system. 
Sensitivity Most Critical in a speaker design. 
My objective is to bring the audiophile community into the 21st Century  by making aware 
 as to what constitutes
a  true high fidelity sound system. 
FR/Compression combo is the 21st Century speaker. 
All else is dinasaur.

You guys are really rummaging around in the garbage. The best tweeter is no tweeter. ESLs rule. 
Ok you and I are on the same page
JBL is replaced by the BEYMA Compression Horn tweeter. 
104db sens.
Yes sir, 
She's a  beauty.
any compression horn, does not matter (high fidelity type, not car audio crap) beats any dome, ribbon, etc etc tweeter.
This is what I am trying to get over on this board.
Im my book the only tweeter consideration is compression TI Horn tweeter,,all others do not even exist in my book.
Troels Gravesen is building <,dinasaurs >> in his lab.
I had the chance to talk to an engineer from Raal a couple of years ago. Brilliant guy.  One of the great features of the Raal true ribbons is they can alter the transformers to suit, and you can use 1st order high pass filters if you would like.

Anyway, he was very interested in the Mundorf performance and he walked me through how to measure it, especially compression and distortion.  We both agreed the Mundorf is pretty spectacular a performer. If you want to dig up that conversation it is somewhere at DIYaudio.