Anyone (everyone) care to throw a dart?

I understand my hearing at 69 isn't even close to what it was at 19. I'm sure your results may vary. However, anyone care to throw a dart at the price point where diminishing return kicks in? There must be one out there. Regards, AB
How dare you impugn my mockery and castigate by innuendo my biting commentary? Have you no sense of literature? Or television, even?!

Returning to sarcasm: no sense of humor, obviously.  
For a novice, I was fairly good at the game of darts. I was asked to join a league once. 

Your target is undefined; no point in throwing the dart.  :(

I remember back in the 90's the Wall St Journal had a column Experts vs Darts where fund managers competed against stocks picked literally by throwing darts at the newspaper. If Arizonabob were to plaster his walls with Stereophile and start throwing darts he may well find his diminishing returns after all.
"...justify an improvement in sound over a $1K cable..."

At that point, diminishing returns have been in action for more hundreds of dollars than you could count on one hand.