Cat Scratch Fever?

Looks like another non-believer in what's going on got served.

Mid 70's was maybe the crossroad of R&R. A combination of great music/musicians and it changing with the times. Bands were incorporating more "visual"-Alice, Kiss....

Underneath Ted's persona is a real deal guitar player who along with Derek St Holmes, did a debut  album that stands the test of time. I lost interest by the time the thread title album came out.

Oh well, Ted will overcome Covid, and probably  start talkin the Ted usually does. I dig 1975  guitar Ted, but not political Ted.

I like Ted Nugent, I like Allice Cooper, pretty close to two peas in a pod yet like, like, like.. I’m more like Alice Copper, lets just say.. :-)

I’m not on the "HUNT" so to speak.. Ted is just a little more rural than most.. Animals I’m a big chicken.. I hate seeing animals being killed, BUT I’m a hypocrite I’m carnivorous at times, omnivore is more like it..

An Elephant or Whale though.. Just kills me.. Momma Grizzly, not so much.. Cubs to for that matter.. AWAY from me... Serious animal there moose too.. BIG goofy BULLWINKLE. seen one on the deck of a tug.. Funniest thing I ever saw.. Behind a 5 gallon bucket of blackberries.

Face was all black from the berries..

Stupid moose doing black face, must have been a racist.. :-0, Did I say that? Racist Moose on the Loose.. National guard time.. I’m Irish I can say anything I want.. Talk about getting crapped on...
Woh there oldhvymec, you have stepped way over a line!  Ted Nugent and Alice Cooper are nothing alike. Ted Nugent is a twit. Uninformed, unintelligent twit. Alice Cooper is nothing like that. There is an obvious brain in his head that he actually uses. While Nugent was claiming that the virus was a hoax, this is what Alice Cooper said in August last year.

“Starve this thing to death, if you wear your mask if you wash your hands-the reason we are going down right now because every time I go to Safeway everybody’s wearing a mask and everybody is doing what their supposed to do," Cooper proclaimed. "So if you starve this thing, it’ll go away. That’s the only way to kill it.”

" I was referring to MC!!!"

rpeluso- not for a moment did I think your comments were directed to anyone else.

I do find it amusing AND a reminder that posting anything online can get responses from many perspectives. Sometimes, with some almost weird sense of "ownership". Mondo Bizarro.  In the grand scheme of things, we just have to laugh and go back to listening to our expensive  boxes that attempt to create the  illusion.

I like to keep Ted in my memories as the 70's Ted Nugent- killer R&R guitar player, who I've seen front row, getting blasted by 8 or so Fender Twins! I still have some Ektachrome slides I took with my Canon AE-1(first high tech 35MM camera) Rolling Stone/Creem/Circus worthy.

What’s a hoax? Mr. Nugent isn’t sick?

As far as YOUR opinion on Ted Nugent, that’s your opinion.. NOT mine..

Alice Cooper is conservative. ONE more so than the other.. YUP Teddy is a little right of right.. No less a productive member of society..

I never met a person I didn’t like.. Some of the CRAP they pull let’s just call that the "getting to know you" stage. Seems the lefties have a bit of a bitter spirit also.... To far either way.. NO THANKS..

The problem is there is no serving a warrant on Ted Nugent.. I got a pretty good idea how that would turn out.. Ruby Ridge all over..

You catch him at a concert and do the deed..

I NEVER understood no knock warrants.. Everyone involved in ANY of that PRISON... No stopping for go either.. Judges in all everyone that ask for one and anyone that issues one.. STRAIGHT TO JAIL...
NO STOP QUANTONAMO, Never to set foot on American soil again. Bury them at sea.. Murdering people in their beds.. COWARDS.. EVERY ONE...

I don’t have much used for people working Vice either. They are not COPS they are however ALL PERVERTS, THIEVES, DRUNKS, DRUG ADDICKS, MURDERS. The females that participate are even worse.. COWARDS.. Laws.. vice laws...
No body’s business.. It should ALL be regulated.. PERIOD...