Which Phono Preamp?

E.A.T. Glo S Petit, PS Audio Stellar Phono, or Pass Labs X-17?  
System is:

Pass Labs INT-60
VPI Classic 3 w/JMW 10.5 tonearm
Soundsmith Hyperion cartridge
Volti Audio Rival speakers
Ag insider logo xs@2xjjgasp
Congrats on the Hyperion. Call Keith pronto see if you can snag one of the last VTPH2A from him.
I have to agree, if you like the Pass you have then the Pass is going to have a similar and complementary sound to it. I found over time mixing if you don’t have to complicates things. Same brand are made together.
Pass is technology with discrete electronic components, PS Audio Stellar is all in smd ... moreover the Stellar does not work without remote control and some in the world have already accused defects
are discrete electronic components a bad thing?

no, they are an advantage in case of repair.
Also in case of assistance Mr. Pass or the helper are always available, at PS Audio they have not solved problems on some Stellar owners in the world.