Which Phono Preamp?

E.A.T. Glo S Petit, PS Audio Stellar Phono, or Pass Labs X-17?  
System is:

Pass Labs INT-60
VPI Classic 3 w/JMW 10.5 tonearm
Soundsmith Hyperion cartridge
Volti Audio Rival speakers
Ag insider logo xs@2xjjgasp
Pass is technology with discrete electronic components, PS Audio Stellar is all in smd ... moreover the Stellar does not work without remote control and some in the world have already accused defects
are discrete electronic components a bad thing?

no, they are an advantage in case of repair.
Also in case of assistance Mr. Pass or the helper are always available, at PS Audio they have not solved problems on some Stellar owners in the world.

 "are discrete electronic components a bad thing?"
Yet another thing to debate among tech heads. More so, if someone is a tube fan.

Discrete electronic component-think something with traditional parts

SMD -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surface-mount_technology
From a listeners standpoint why care? If you're a tech repairing something- you hate boards with them. I wouldn't doubt there are members who claim they can "hear"  these awful smd's. 

I wouldn't be concerned about the reliability comment for the Stellar. If there is a problem, the company is  domestic and solid as far as customer service.

With the table/cart setup you have, any tube considerations(EAT) should also consider  some of the brands regularly mentioned here-Manley, Herron, Allnic.... No "better" player- just different. 

The Hyperion deserves as much money you can afford towards the phonostage. You can start another thread on the merits of pricey  IC's once you get it.